Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Puffy"- January 2013

     Now that my due date is getting closer, I'm going to the doctor more frequently. For my first appointment in January I got some bad news (although deep down I was expecting it)...I have gained more weight, A LOT more weight. 11 lbs to be exact! In one month...yikes!! The reason I was expecting it is because I gained 11 lbs this month with all 3 girls too. That gives me a grand total so far of 66 lbs!! I've decided to embrace it. As Marjorie Hinckley said, "The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."  Each time I step on that lovely scale at the doctors office I just smile :) When I saw the doctor, he looked at my weight and asked (with a smile on HIS face), "Holidays catch up with your weight, huh?" I told him it is just a heavy month for me and he said it was just water weight and not to worry... I just looked a little "puffy". So remember...when you see me and think I've gained a little weight...that's not it. Doctor says I'm just a little "puffy"!!


Melinda said...

Just find yourself a nice "biggest loser" competition that is starting up right about 6 weeks post partum and look forward to taking it by a landslide! Honestly, I feel like you hide it very well. And the funny thing about the family pictures we took was that both Cory and his brother Ryan (the super tall one) had their cameras on tri pods or fence post or something and they put their timers on and RAN back to be in the picture. We looked at our camera (10 second timer) and then Ryan's camera (15 second timer). It was a rather hilarious venture. I should've written that, but I guess I forgot until your comment ;-) By the way, I'm REALLY interested in which of you thought Cory looked like which parent. I hope you're feeling better!!

Mindy Hawks said...

I love that quote from Sister Hinckley! I've never heard it before but I love it. And you look perfect, such a cute belly!!