Monday, January 28, 2013

"Half" Birthdays

Mollie's treat: Rice Krispie Treats with sprinkles

Carli's treat: Donuts
     Since Mollie and Carli have July birthdays, they never get to bring in a treat to their school class. So to give them that time to "celebrate" with their class, I bring in treats for their "half" birthday. It makes January a busier month, but they love it! I've been doing this for Carli since Kindergarten and since she goes to middle school next year (Boo!) this will be the last time I can do this for her. In addition to treats, the girls wanted to bring in Griffin. I asked their teachers and they both said it was fine but we had to be sneaky because animals are not allowed on campus. So when I signed in at the office with the treats, Chad went around with the dog to their outside doors. Both the birthday treats and the dog were a hit!! It is always fun to be around the girls and their friends. It makes more work for me, but I think this is something I will miss! Happy "Half" Birthday girls!!


Jen said...

Such a cute thing to do. July birthday girls rock!!! Wish my mom did that for me growing up.

Ps: i can't wait to meet your new pup!

Melinda said...

I seriously thought I was the only one in the world that did anything with half birthdays! Ha! Although, with spring birthdays, we don't need to bring treats into the classroom for the half birthday, but it's such a cool idea!