Monday, December 15, 2008

White Christmas

We finally got snow! The girls were jumping around the room because they were so excited. Of course we had church at 9am, but AFTER church they had a great time play outside in the cold stuff. Being from AZ, I think it looks really pretty and it's fun for a little while, but if I have to drive in it I don't like it anymore :) I will admit that having the snow makes it feel more like Christmas!! We enjoyed watching them funny!


Richards Family said...

I am right there with you on the snow. I love the snow in time for Christmas, but after that - no thanks!

Angela said...

We were excited about the snow too, until today when I had to go out in it again!

Unknown said...

It catches me off guard every year and every year I make a mad dash to the store for snow boots. You would think the kids would do me the favor of not growing so they could fit into last year's boots, but nooooo!

Amy said...

How fun! We had frost all over the grass and housetops last night, it's almost like snow! Ok, after one winter in Alaska as a kid, not really, but it sure looked pretty this morning!

Celeste said...

Hey! I found your blog through Melissa Smith's blog. It's the exact template I have...great minds think alike! I love the santa picture at the top. Classic. It's fun to read about what's going on with your fam. We should get together soon!