Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Last Run of Your Life" aka The Zombie Run

Chad and Carli part-way through their run. Keep it up!

Carli dodging a zombie :) She took them all VERY seriously!

Darrin and Darcy prepping for the upcoming zombie...gotta come up with a strategy!

Getting tired, but only 1 mile left!

The finish line was FULL of zombies! The runners had to dodge and weave to get through them all without  losing any tags they might still have. Check out Chad's mad skills!!

Go Darcy! Check out her quick feet!

They survived the last run of their life!! Great job!

I'm so proud of our Carli! Not only did she finish the race with an amazing time (she didn't even train!) but she made it through all the zombies and finished with one tag left! 

She didn't make it through without injury though...a picture of her "flesh wound"! Tough girl!!
      The City of Fruita had their first ever "Last Run of Your Life" Zombie 5K. It was a race where zombies were placed along the course to take the tags off your belt. You start with 3 tags and you want to end with all 3. If you don't have any, you didn't survive. Not only did you win prizes for finishing time, but also for finishing with your tags! Our friends Darrin and Darcy were running it and Chad wanted to run it and (obviously) I can't this year, so Carli took my place :) They both did great! Neither one of them trained at all, but that didn't matter. They had a great run and the zombies added a whole new level of excitement!


Big D said...

Why do your pictures make me look so fat??

Jocie said...

That is so fun! I thought it was great that it was in Fruita. Good job staying "alive" guys! Hope they have it next year and maybe I will be in better shape to try it.