Tuesday, November 9, 2010

4 and Feisty

While spending time with family at the cabin, Mollie turned 4!!! Crazy! She is getting so big and I get so sad when I think she might be our last. We started her birthday with a hike up Sierra Trigo to see the ladybug stump. It was a LONG hike for her (and there weren't a lot of ladybugs), but she's a trooper! We had a ladybug party and had so much fun with cousins! A little about 4-year old Mollie:

1.She LOVES ladybugs! A lot!!

2.She LOVES her sisters! She wants to be just like them.

3.She has more attitude than any other 4-year old I know...so sassy!

4.She has a great smile :)

5.She is hilarious and we laugh at her everyday (even when she's in trouble)

6.She isn't scared of anything.

7.She loves animals.

8.She is super cute (and she knows it!)

9.She has the cutest little voice!
10.She loves music and is teaching herself how to play the piano by ear (which, as a piano teacher, I hate....but she's too little to teach!)
11.She is so tough! She never cries with shots and wants to go first because she's "bravester" than her sisters :)

12.She is so LOVED!!
I love my Mollie! Happy 4th Birthday Mollie-bug!!

1 comment:

Amy said...

How sweet is she?! What a fun birthday. I am a fan of ladybugs, and I hope my baby is when she's 4 too.