The next conversation involves Carli and her new haircut. I cut her hair and the following day she got the stomach flu. She was in the bathroom (not pleasant) and she started crying. I rushed in to see if I could help and she was looking in the mirror. I asked her if she was alright and her response was,"My hair looks terrible!" What a girl...that should be the LEAST of her worries! :)
AFTER: Last, but not least, is a conversation with Mollie. If you haven't figured it out, Mollie is a real character! We are always laughing at what she comes up with. This conversation was no different: She was laying with Layla (our 9 1/2 yr old lab), looking into her eyes and really talking to her. I said, "Mollie, what are you doing?" She said, "Mom, Layla can talk." "Really!?" was my response. "What does she say?" She looked at me very seriously and said, "She says: eerrrrr and ahrrr" (FYI-Layla does not bark, never has) "What does that mean?" I asked. "I don't know." Thanks for that insight Mollie... :